Thursday, July 30, 2009

Daniel's words at 14 months

Words he can say without prompting:
Yes ("yeahhh")
Water ("wa")
GrandDaddy (sounds like "glhdada")
Bye Bye
Ruler (I know this is random; he has a ruler that G.G. left here, and he plays with it in the bathtub)

Words he can say with prompting (Do you want cheerios?)
Cheerios (chgee-ah)
help ("bop" or "dup"--all words that end with "p" start with "b" or "d" when he says them)

I pause after I say words so that he can try them. He likes to try. He will try almost all one and two-syllable words. Sometimes he gets the beginning sound or the intonation. Most of the time, it's another sound, like "ba" or "da". It is SOOOOOOO much fun to play with words with him.

He responds to "splash," "dance," "jump" and "love." In fact, he loves to dance right now. It looks like a cross between the cha-cha and running in place. I can say, "Would you please dance for me?" and he will just dance it up. Most of the time he just spontaneously starts dancing, often for Calvin. When he "loves" something, he puts his head over on it. Sometimes he says, "mmmm." He loves ANYTHING. He loved the blueberries tonight at dinner. He loves Calvin 100 times a day. He loves the phone when I'm talking to G.G. The other day at the playground, he walked up to a random little stranger boy and loved him. The boy thought he wanted a turn on the equipment he was sitting on. I said, 'No, I think he just really likes you." This morning we were playing with his tape recorder, and he loved the microphone. Every morning when we come into the playroom, I say, "Do you want to love Charlie this morning?" (Charlie is the big stuffed chipmunk). And he goes over and loves Charlie. It is precious. We have a sweet boy.

I can ask him if he wants me to read him a book. If he says yes, I can say "Bring me a book and I will read it to you." He will bring me one, and he usually lets me read at least two pages before he is off doing something else.

If I say, "Do you want to ride your horse?" he will go over and get on the horse. Then I sing the tune to Bonanza and he rides.

I think he knows LOTS of food words, but I haven't empirically tested that. Most of the time, if I say "Do you want to eat X?" The answer is yes. So, he may be responding to "eat" instead of the food word.

Life with Daniel is great. One day he is going to start talking and he will probably never hush.

Little Foodie

This is an update on all of Daniel's fun eating. He is interested in seasonal fruit right now-strawberries, cantaloupe, blueberries, and sometimes blackberries. A few nights ago he ate, along with his other food, ten strawberries for dinner. At lunch today he ate several huge bites of some of my home-grown cantaloupe. I tried it with him last night and he didn't like it. Today I was eating it (and not offering it to him), and he pointed at it and said, "More! More! More!" So, I gave him some, and he loved it. That made me happy, since he never enjoyed the squash I grew. Tonight at dinner he ate at least five strawberries, and he saw me eating blueberries. He wanted some and got SO EXCITED to eat them. He'd say "More!" and I would hand him two blueberries (one for each hand). Just before he popped them in his mouth, he'd say, "More!" again so that I could get the next two ready. Then, he would put them in his mouth really fast and say, "um, um, um" which is his version of "yum, yum, yum." I didn't really count them, but I think he ate at least 30 blueberries. He had a new food today- gnocchi- it's an Italian food that is kind of like pasta but made of potatoes. It's a little bit like small lumps of mashed potatoes, except more dense. You boil it for three minutes, and you can put sauce and/or cheese on it. I made some with just a bit of mozzarella cheese on it, and he loved it. He can pick it up with his hands, so he likes it. He ate gnocchi, cantaloupe, and sweet potato french fries for lunch. And some rice. Happy Eating, Daniel!