Mary Katherine's language has exploded in the past few weeks. I wrote many, many blog entries about Daniel's language development. Poor Mary Ka. Oh well. I want to list a few of the things she says these days. I feel like I will never forget these cute expressions, but of course, I will.
1 "treamwork"- (teamwork) When she doesn't want to clean something up by herself, she says, "Let's do treamwork, Mama."
2 "Me how know." She LOVES to call Rita and Angie using my phone. She knows how to do most of it by herself, but I still need to help with two parts. She will say, "Me call Angie, Mama....Me how know! Me how! Me how!"
3 "I'm fine." Sometimes when we ask her if she wants something, she will answer with "No, I'm fine."
4 "To school one day" I think this expressions comes from two places. 1- she begged to go to school with Daniel. I let her go three times, and she LOVED it. 2- she likes the rhyme Mary Had a Little Lamb. Joseph sings it as "Mary Katherine has a little lamb." I think she remembered that line "it followed her to school one day.." Anyway, she says over and over "Me go to school one day, and Baba say....oh boy!"
5 "Muffin Man" Her favorite song right now is "Do you know the Muffin Man?" She can sing almost all the words now, but she started out singing, "AAAHHHHHH the Muffin Man..........AAAAAAHHHHHHH the Muffin Man."
6 "Mugits" She says "mugits" for "music." When she is really upset in the van, she yells, "I want MUGITS please!"
7 "sunglackes" Just like Daniel, her eyes are really sensitive to sunlight, so she often wears her "sunglackes." She usually prefers to wear them upside down. It's sweet.