Saturday, August 29, 2015

Picking Muscadines

Friends I saw while I was running last week

Note to Baba

"Baba I miss you. MKC"
She wrote this by herself while I was driving. I spelled the letters to her. 

First Day of First Grade

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Friday, August 21, 2015

Museum of Life and Science

Goodbye Summer

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Afternoon with GG and Grandaddy

GG and Daniel read together from a book called "I'll read to you, you read to me." It has poems for two voices. 
After a lunch of egg salad, carrots, apples, and grapes, we ate half a large watermelon. 
We got the slide projector working. Daddy and I couldn't figure it out, but Daniel got it started. 
We cheered when the first picture came into focus. This slide is from Bellengrath Gardens in Mobile, Alabama. The first slide was of some lighting at a baseball field 
MKC did a show for us- a mermaid and two princesses hiking on a mountain. 
No outing with GG and Grandaddy is complete without visiting the goats. Daniel wanted to buy seeds with his own money. He chose chamomile and pumpkins. 

Wednesday, August 19, 2015