Friday, October 12, 2007

Since the last entry-

I think I started to “feel pregnant” after Oct 5th when I gave my second year research presentation. Evidently, the stress leading up to that kept my mind off of all things pregnant. Because I haven’t felt anything, I have continued to take the leftover pregnancy tests each Sunday morning, just to make sure. Now I’m out of tests, but I don’t need to do that anymore. I woke up really queasy on Monday the 8th. We were supposed to go swimming, so we got up early. I made myself eat breakfast and drink hot tea. But, I just couldn’t get it together. So, I told Joseph I was going to lie down for four minutes. Then, I would be fixed. He was so wonderfully nice about it. He came and snuggled me and reminded me that we read that there would be days when I felt queasy and it wouldn’t last forever and maybe I just needed to rest, but probably longer than four minutes. So, I went back to sleep for about an hour. I felt a little better when I woke up, but still yucky. All day Monday I felt bad, but never bad enough to throw up. I tried eating dry cereal. I just couldn’t shake the queasiness. I was better on Tuesday, but had a few moments of yucky. Somehow, I figured out that drinking cold water helped a lot. Normally, I drink tons of water, but it’s all room temperature. I am so glad that I figured this out. So far, it still works well to make me feel better. I haven’t thrown up yet, so I’m glad about that.

By the way, Joseph is still pregnant, too. He still gets in the car some afternoons and says he extraordinarily tired. And, some mornings his stomach is queasy, too. He took a Sunday afternoon nap with me last week (which he hardly ever does). We are just two peas in a pod! I’m thinking about starting him on prenatal vitamins soon. J He is still insanely cute- turning to me about five times a day, saying, “I’m just so excited! Aren’t you excited! What are we going to do?”

Entry for Wednesday, October 10, 2007

On Wednesday, October 10, we went for our early ultrasound, as part of the Right From The Start study participation. This is a study at Vanderbilt that we found out about a few weeks ago. I don’t have to take any medications or change anything I do, they just want to ask me some questions as I progress through the pregnancy. I’ll do an hour phone interview in a few weeks, and then I’ll fill out a survey at seven months. They will have access to my medical records as data, etc. Not a big deal. We were excited to do it because of the early ultrasound.

We went to the Center for Women’s Imaging at the Crystal Terrace building on West End. The office was nice and the woman who consented us was so friendly. The procedure was a transvaginal or endovaginal ultrasound, so they put a probe inside me. Joseph looked a little unhappy when he saw the probe, but it didn’t hurt at all. It was harmless, but they had to do it that way in order to see anything because the embryo is so small. We could see the yolk sack and our little blueberry! (Each week, we get a web update about what is happening and there is analogy of size. We started these updates at week 5. First it was a sesame seed, then in week six it was a lentil. This week, week seven, is a blueberry.) The sonographer said that we were between seven weeks and two days and seven weeks and five days. On the ultrasound, we could see the yolk sac and the embryo. We could even see the heart beating! The sonographer said the heartbeat was 135 bpm, and the normal range is 120-185. She measured everything and we are right on target.

I just couldn’t believe what we could see on the screen! When I called the people to sign up for the study, they asked me some questions and told me when our appointment for the ultrasound would be. They told me that the ultrasound would just be data for their study. We wouldn’t get any information at that time. So, I didn’t want to get my hopes up. Joseph, of course, was so excited, and I couldn’t keep him from getting his hopes up. Luckily, we had a really “nice” sonographer who explained a lot to us. She printed three pictures from the ultrasound for us. Then, she made a dvd with two images in it. She was just exceptionally nice.

She was training another sonographer to do the scan, so there were two people in the room with us. They joked with us a little bit about being so excited because it was our first pregnancy. One of the sonographers asked us what week and day we thought we were, and Joseph answered immediately, “Well, the day of the last period was August 20, so that would put conception at Sept 3 or 4, so we think we’re on day 52 or so.” Both sonographers just stared at him! They couldn’t believe he knew all that. They were so impressed! I told them he was an exceptionally wonderful husband. They said most husbands don’t know those things. It kind of upset Joseph. He said he didn’t see how you could not know that stuff and that he thought most of his guy friends would know that. Either way, the sonographers were very impressed.

It was such a great experience! We’ve looked at the pictures about 700 times since then. We’re sitting on Caroline’s couch at Lake Martin as we write about Wednesday (it’s Friday morning). Not telling Caroline when we went to her house to get the directions and key to the lake house was the hardest one yet, especially since we have pictures now.

We are taking a three day break at my cousin’s lake house in Alabama on Lake Martin. It’s a wonderful place. We will put some pictures on the blog so you can see. It’s just gorgeous. While I’m sitting on the couch, I can see the most beautiful view of the lake. I took a walk yesterday and saw one deer running into the woods with his white tail pointed up in the air. I’ve just been reading, napping, walking, and…. napping. Joseph is overdosing on his Playstation Portable.We played scrabble together after lunch. Scrabble is only really, really fun if I get to make up a few extra rules, but Joseph wouldn’t let me. So, it was just sort of fun. It’s SO QUIET here; I never want to leave. I finished the second “Bourne” book. I brought the third one, but I don’t know if I’ll start it or not. I’m still angry that the books are so different from the movie.

Well, let’s see what happens next….

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