Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Hmmmm.... 2 is not very exciting- by Betsy

Well, here we are at 38 weeks and still 2 cm. Our "progress" is that we are 80% effaced now, but everyone says "that is a very subjective measurement." Either way, it is clear that my body knows what to do, but also clear that it's kind of taking its time. The doctor said we could go any minute, but just go ahead and expect to be late. Their "rules" for inducing go ten days past the due date. So, if we think of it that way, then we know we will have a baby by Thursday, June 5th. That's kind of nice. I am hoping it will be May 26 or May 30 because that's when my favorite doctor is on call. Joseph is "betting" on May 28 for some reason, and others have chosen the 15th and 21st because it is their birthday.

I am definitely s-l-o-w-i-n-g down, but have not yet reached the feeling that I can't stand to be pregnant anymore. Still walking as much as possible, and IF I COULD REMEMBER to put my swim stuff in the car, I would also swim. Hopefully, I'll remember tomorrow.

I am attaching our 38 week pictures. I'm a blimp, but I am making it! Again, Calvin seems to be winning.

Have a great day!

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