We had a great day yesterday, but forgot to take any pictures. These pictures were taken a few days ago in front of the azaleas in our yard. They show a range of emotions he had about having his picture made. I posted the happy ones first. Yesterday we couldn't decide whether or not to go to Sunrise service, so I said we would let Daniel choose. If he woke up on his own, we would go. If not, we'd stay home. We needed to get up by 5am to make it to the 6:30 sunrise service. Daniel woke up at 4:54 am, so we went! After that we had a continental breakfast at church. We still had 2 hours to kill between breakfast and Sunday School, so Joseph went to work for awhile, and we drove around so Daniel (and G.G. and GrandDaddy) could take a nap in the car. After church we drove through the Sunrise Biscuit Kitchen (one of our favorite places so far here) and took our lunch to the park with Jenny. Daniel LOVES to swing now. We go by the park after church most weeks for at least a few minutes. He is SO tired by that time (he doesn't take a morning nap when he's in the nursery because it's too much fun to play with other kids), but he still wants to swing. It's hilarious. He laughs and laughs when we first start swinging him. Then, after a few minutes, he starts to fall asleep in the swing. But, he doesn't want to get out, so he tries so hard to stay awake and it makes him look drunk.
After the park, we came right home and took a long snuggly nap. Then we went to the park for awhile with our neighbors. He ate a few woodchips, dirt, and grapes, and played on the slide. Then, at dinner we did his Easter basket. His favorite things were an Easter book from Mrs. Faye that plays music and a chicken Easter basket and change purse from Aunt Jenny. G.G. brought a Peter Rabbit book and a bunny pillow that Mrs. Leathers made for me when I was about five years old. I made Daniel a "D" in grass seed in a box lid full of dirt. I wanted the grass to sprout in a "D" shape. It had only sprouted a tiny bit by last night, but we will keep watering it.
It was a great Daniel's First Easter. Today G.G. wants to go to Target to look at the after-Easter sales. Right now Daniel is playing with his four-wheeler and saying, "Dada? Dada?" which means, "Where is my Daddy?" He does this a thousand times a day. I always answer "Dada is at work. He will be home at dinner time."
1 comment:
i love the pictures...never can resist a kid in OshKosh! the crying ones are priceless!
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