Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Graduation- by Betsy

We did it! The Watsons made it through graduation without having a baby. Everyone was happy about that. It was a truly wonderful day. Joseph and I could sit next to each other during commencement and graduation. During commencement I sat next to my great friend Kerry and during graduation we were two seats down from our friend Marcus. Joseph and I walked through the diploma line one after another. The provost read the titles of our dissertations (that was interesting). I was so happy that we could be together. The day was a wonderful memory for me. Mother and Daddy came for both commencement and graduation, and Joseph's dad and Mary came to graduation. Also, our friend Nancy came to see us get our diplomas; that was so thoughtful! In the afternoon, we had a great party at Dale's house with delicious food, flowers, and balloons. Then, Friday night Joseph and I went to hear Jon Stewart at the Ryman (hilarious- I laughed so hard that my stomach was sore). We walked around downtown for awhile afterwards; Joseph got an ice cream cone and I got a grape slushie. All in all, it was a super day. I am so glad Joseph and I could do graduation together. Check out our gorgeous hats.


steve said...

Those are truly some magical hats. I always wanted to wear Beth's but she won't let me. =(

Beth said...

Congrats! What an accomplishment. Keep us posted and send lots and lots of pictures when the baby comes!

Jenny said...

Congratulations Betsy and Joseph!