Monday, April 18, 2011

Jesus said, "Try new things!"

I am fairly often saying things like, "Jesus said, Be kind to people." or "Jesus said, if you see someone who needs help, stop and help them." I probably haven't said it in about a week. We ate lunch at Southern Season for the first time on Sunday after church. They have several really neat prepared food cases, and you can pick and choose small amounts of a bunch of different foods (which is my number-one favorite way to eat). Anyway, we chose about six different things and spread everything out on our table. Daniel looked at his plate, smiled a huge smile, and said, "Jesus said.... Try new things!!!" I so, so, so badly wanted to completely agree with him and say, "Yes, Jesus said that!" But.....I couldn't do it. I explained that Jesus would probably have a big time eating lunch with us, but Mama is really the one who says "Try new things."

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