Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Daniel's first day of Transitional Kindergarten at Trinity School

Daniel is in Mrs. Holland and Mrs. Kelley's class. He is a TK Cub! There are 13 friends in his class. He sits at a table with Elle, Sadie, and Lincoln. He had a super first day of school. He has been practicing getting ready for a couple of weeks. This morning he made his own breakfast (hot dog, banana, blueberries, carrots), packed his snack (almonds and banana), got out his clothes (the shirt and pants that Ezra and Buxton gave him for his birthday to be worn to school), got dressed, brushed and flossed his teeth, and brushed his hair all by himself. We are so excited about all the things he can do right now. His first field trip is in about a month to the Botanical Gardens.

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