Saturday, April 30, 2011

Family Easter 2011

This Easter (2011) Daniel is almost three years old. James Flower is coming any day....maybe. Daniel and Dada went to church and Mama sat in the brown chair. We had a great Easter lunch feast from Panera with Aunt Jenny. Daniel ate some of his chocolate bunny, which he'd been waiting for about two weeks. Then, we did a little egg hunting in the front yard. Some of the eggs had "emmies" (M&Ms) and that was really exciting. It was hot, so we were just out for awhile. Then we hid more eggs for fun inside. GrandDaddy and GG will be here soon, and we will hunt more eggs with them. Aunt Jenny brought some great crafts for Daniel's Easter basket. We spent the rest of the afternoon putting together a fabulous pirate ship. It was a great Easter!

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