Monday, April 4, 2011

A few things Daniel has said

1. "Why can't we be like other families?" Joseph does the whole night-time routine with Daniel. We've been working up to this in preparation for James Flower for several months. Usually Daniel is fine, but sometimes he wants me and gets upset for a short time. One night he asked Joseph, "Why can't we be like other families?" Joseph asked him what he meant and he went on to say that he wished we could be like other families where everybody just went to sleep together.

2. "Let's do what the different people far, far away do." One night he didn't want to go to sleep, so he said, "Let's just do it like those different people do it." I asked him what he meant and he said, "You know, those different people who just play all night and don't go to sleep. They live far, far away. Let's do it like that." I told him every person needed sleep so their body could have energy. He said, "Even in Japan?" Yep, even in Japan people go to sleep at night. I don't think he believed me.

3. "Bubblegum is what the dentist puts in your mouth." We got this declaration as we were walking into Sunday School this morning. When Daniel went to the dentist and got his teeth polished, the hygenist used bubblegum flavor polish. Daniel thought it was wonderful. It was his first experience with "bubblegum." I'm not sure he'd ever heard the word before. So, that's how he worked out the use/purpose of bubblegum.

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