Thursday, March 10, 2011

Pregnancy Insomnia

Hi. It's 4:40am. I've been awake at least an hour. I know my body must know what is going on. It is giving me slow, methodical preparation for the days ahead by waking me up every night or so for several hours. This happened when I was pregnant with Daniel. I would just get up, do email, work on my dissertation, and go back to sleep. Then, at some point later in the day, I would take a nap on my friend's smelly blue couch at school to make up for the time I was awake in the night. This time it's different. The nighttime hours are more precious. There is no daytime make-up rest time. But Daniel and I have figured out a little routine. If I get tired in the daytime, I say, "It's time for me to sit in the brown chair." I sit and fall in and out of consciousness for about an hour while he plays or reads. Every few minutes he says, "Be careful, Mama, don't go to sleep!" Sometimes I fall asleep while I'm reading to him and my dreams change what I say about the page. Daniel corrects me.

This morning I will try to post some pictures from our recent beach trip. Then, I will clean the downstairs bathroom. Have a nice day.

1 comment:

Mama Goose said...

I had really bad insomnia with Micah. I hated it. Hope it gets better!