Monday, February 28, 2011

Progress for our family

I want to put in a note about all the ways Daniel is growing and the new things he can do. As we get ready for James Flower, we are so thankful for all the ways Daniel is helpful and confident. Some great things he can do-
*Stay seated at the table for pleasant mealtimes
*Take his plate from the table to the sink after meals
*Put his dirty clothes in the laundry basket or washer
*Do the whole nighttime routine (bath/shower, tooth brushing, pajamas, fall asleep) with Dada [This is the biggest deal by far, and Joseph is a complete ROCK STAR.]
*Put away the toys he is playing with before he gets more toys out and pick up the family room at night
*Use the potty by himself and wash his hands

We are really excited about these things. It certainly makes life easier and more pleasant. He is even learning how to kind of hang out and play in the afternoon while I doze lethargically in the brown chair for a bit.

We are talking about how Daniel will be in "real" Vacation Bible School this summer at church. In the past, he has stayed in the nursery while I teach. This year, since he'll be three years old, he will be in his own "real" VBS group. I will be hanging with James Flower, so I really hope Daniel is going to stay excited about VBS. We'll see.

1 comment:

Mama Goose said...

I love watching all his growth and development. Plus he helps teach Micah. Your family is so great!