Monday, January 7, 2008

Pregnancy update (by Joseph)

Now that the Christmas holidays have come and gone, I can update you on project pregnancy. Betsy wants to eat much more than she use to. Two or three days ago, she convinced me to go with her to Cheeseburger Charlies to get a hamburger and fries! She still usually makes good food choices, though. She’s noticeably pregnant now. The maternity pants are out, and people ask if they can feel her belly. It’s quite funny, actually. One response she’s threatened to use is “Only if I can feel your belly, too.” I don’t think she’s actually said that yet, but everyone, BEWARE!

I have one older story and two newer ones to tell. Back in November, we told both of our families that we were having a baby. The best response came from my cousin Bridgette. She’s about 10 years younger than I am (I just turned 31, for those needing to know). When we told her that we were having a baby, her response was, “Finally! What are you guys, like, 40?” That’s a Jordan showing her love J. Almost everyone we told was shocked by our announcement. The funny thing is, if anyone had asked us if we planned on having children, we would’ve told them yes, and we would have mentioned that we’d like to have them right after we graduated.

Yesterday morning, Betsy still hadn’t felt the baby move. We’d heard that the first movement might feel like a butterfly flitting in your stomach, or possibly like gas pains. Last night between 9 and 10, Betsy hollered at me, “Joseph, come in here, NOW.” It was the now that struck me. I rushed to the bedroom. Betsy was lying on the bed feeling her stomach. She said, “I think this is it.” I reached over and felt a small, non-rhythmic tapping on her belly. It only lasted for a few seconds. We THINK that’s the baby moving, but I’m not sure if we’re suppose to feel it on the outside of her stomach at 20 weeks. Anyway, we’ll ask the doctor this week.

We’re having an ultrasound done this week. This may be the moment of truth: will it be a boy or girl? I think I’m okay with either version of baby. But, after watching our friends’ twins yesterday, I’d like to request a non-cholic-y model. Our missionary friends from Indonesia have a month old girl and boy. The girl sleeps almost all the time, but the boy is often awake due to constant stomach pains. You need to stretch him out a certain way to help relieve the issue (it looks like baby acrobatics, let me tell you). We should update again after the doctor’s appointment. Can’t wait to let you all know what it is!


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